Find Your Team of Experts

Each campus unit has a dedicated UHR Delivery team of knowledgeable individuals to assist with human resources requests and questions. You can message to be connected with the appropriate Delivery representative or reach out directly using the information below to connect with the HR Generalist supporting your department. 

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden 

Staff Recruiters
  Cory Hinman E&O, VPR

  Sarah Nolin CALS

Interim HR Partners
  Susie Eaton E&O, VPR

  Tiffany Thuney CALS

HR Generalists
  - TBD Agronomy, Ag Entrepreneurship Initiative, Horticulture, Iowa Soybean Research Center, Leopold Center, Natural Resource Ecology and Management (includes Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit and North Central Aquaculture Center), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development

  - Shari Kouski CALS Administration, CALS IT, Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Iowa State Research Farms, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology, Seed Science Center, Center for Crop Utilization and Research, North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Iowa Nutrient Research Center

  - Grace Newell

  - Aric Bradley Agriculture Education and Studies, Center for Agriculture Law and Taxation, Animal Science, Animal Science Farms (Beef, Dairy, Poultry and Swine), Egg Industry Center 

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden

Staff Recruiter
  Liz Norton

HR Partner
  - Becky Green

HR Generalists
  - Adam Peters College of Design

  - Danielle Michel Economic Development and Industry Relations, Graduate College, Ivy College of Business

  - Grace Newell

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden

Staff Recruiters
  - Anastasia Whited Engineering

- Eric Whitney SVPP

HR Partner
  - Tiffany Thuney

HR Coordinators
  - Grace Newell

  - Justin Thiele Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost; Aerospace Engineering; Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Center for Industrial Research and Service;  Engineering College Relations; Engineering Research Institute

  - Bailey Staton Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Software Engineering; College of Engineering Administration; Center for Nondestructive Evaluation; Microelectronics Research Center; Engineering Student Services; Engineering Technology Support; Engineering Career Services; Virtual Reality Applications Center

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden

Staff Recruiters
  Luisa Orticelli Pinto CHS

  - Eric Whitney Library

HR Partner
  - Cyndi Hunt

HR Generalists
  - Adam Peters Library

  - Grace Newell

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden

Staff Recruiter
  Anastasia Whited

HR Partner
  Hilary Deike

HR Generalists
  Meg Breitbarth LAS (Administration (Operations, Research, Cross-Disciplinary Programs, Leadership Studies), Advising, DEI, Student Services), Computer Science, Music and Theatre, Psychology, and Earth, Atmosphere, and Climate, 

  - Andrea Jensen Air Force Aerospace Studies, Chemistry, Mathematics, Military Science and Tactics Administration, Naval Science Administration, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Political Science, World Languages and Cultures, LAS Information Technology, LAS Communications, LAS Lasers

  - Christy Kadner English, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, History, Physics and Astronomy, Center for Survey Statistics & Methodology

  - Grace Newell


Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiter
  - Taylor Anderson

HR Partner
  Lindsey Tackett

HR Coordinators
  Ashley Howe Veterinary Medicine Administration, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center

  - Jill Motl Biomedical Sciences, Center for Food Security and Public Health, Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine, Veterinary Pathology

  - Adnana Alicic

Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiter
  - Cory Hinman

Interim HR Partner
  Tiffany Thuney

HR Generalists
  - Angie Ferguson E&O, VPR

  - Inga Brown VPR

Sr. HR Partner
  Jessica Aden

Staff Recruiter
  - Sarah Nolin

Sr. HR Generalist
  - Kayla Vinar Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering

HR Generalist
  Kendra Eibs Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology; Ecology; Evolution and Organismal Biology; Food Science and Human Nutrition; Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology; Sociology; Statistics; Economics

Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiters
  - Megan Farrington University Book Store, Reiman Gardens

  Cory Hinman Printing Services, University Museums, Transportation Services, Veenker Memorial Golf Course

  - Luisa Orticelli Pinto Health Services, Recreation Services

  - Eric Whitney CFIN, Procurement Services

HR Partner
  Susie Eaton

HR Generalists
  Mitch Davis Auxiliary Enterprise; Ops/Fin Central Office, Central Finance and Treasurer; Finance and Support Services; Institutional Finance Strategy; Operations and Strategic Initiatives; Controller; Accounts Receivables; Payroll, Benefits and Tax; Procurement Services; Printing Services; Reiman Gardens; Transportations Services, University Book Store; University Museums; Veenker Memorial Golf Course

  - Kelsey Meyer Student Affairs Central Business Office, Dean of Students; ISSO, TRIO, Development/Student Leadership & Sorority/Fraternity Engagement, Student Accessibility Services, Student Success Center, Intercultural Initiatives and Resource Center, Student Legal Services, Student Health, Recreational Services; OpsFin - Real Estate and Capital Planning

Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiters
 - Megan Farrington FP&M, Public Safety

  Cory Hinman L&SS

  Eric Whitney Procurement

HR Partner
  Craig Hamerlinck Facilities Planning and Management; Public Safety

HR Generalists
  Paige Greiner Engle FP&M (Campus Services, Custodial Services, Energy Management, Building Maintenance, Building Security, Capital Projects, Facilities Design and Construction)

  - Kelly Blakeley Public Safety; FP&M (Utility Services, Planning Services, Business Services, Sustainability); Logistics & Support Services (Central Stores, Central Receiving, ISU Surplus, Postal and Parcel Services, Warehousing)

Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiters
  - Taylor Anderson Student Innovation Center, EH&S

  - Megan Farrington Enrollment Management

  - Eric McLees ITS

  - Luisa Orticelli Pinto Alumni, President's Units, EO

  Eric Whitney University Human Resources

HR Partner
  Kyla Kaetzel

Sr. HR Generalist
  Kari Ruba Athletics

HR Generalists
  - Tiffany Krause

  Katie Suckow-Shill President’s Office, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Equal Opportunity, Environmental Health and Safety, Enrollment Management, Strategic Relations and Communications, University Counsel, Alumni Association, Government Relations

  - TBD IT Services, Student Innovation Center

Sr. HR Partner

Staff Recruiters
  - Cory Hinman Dean of Students

  - Eric McLees Dining

  - Liz Norton Residence, Memorial Union

HR Partners
  Susie Eaton Dean of Students, Health Services, Student Affairs Central Office

  - Jason Fugere Memorial Union, Dining, Department of Residence

HR Generalists
  Tiffany Krause  

 Nojud Malouf Memorial Union, Department of Residence

 Kelsey Meyer Dean of Students, Health Services, Recreation Services

  TBD Dining

UHR Delivery Team Members

Jessica Aden

Sr. HR Partner

Adnana Alicic

HR Generalist

Kelly Blakeley

HR Generalist

Aric Bradley

HR Generalist

Meg Breitbarth

HR Generalist

Inga Brown

HR Generalist

Mitch Davis

HR Generalist

Hilary Deike

HR Partner

Susie Eaton

HR Partner

Kenda Eibs

HR Generalist

Paige Engle

HR Generalist

Angie Ferguson

HR Generalist

Jason Fugere

HR Partner

Becky Green

HR Partner

Dwaine Heppler

AVP, UHR Delivery & Strategy

Ashley Howe

HR Generalist

Cyndi Hunt

HR Partner

Andrea Jensen

HR Generalist

Christy Kadner

HR Generalist

Kyla Kaetzel

HR Partner

Shari Kouski

HR Generalist

Tiffany Krause

HR Generalist

Nojud Malouf

HR Generalist

Kelsey Meyer

HR Generalist

Danielle Michel

HR Generalist

Jill Motl

HR Generalist

Grace Newell

HR Generalist

Adam Peters

HR Generalist

Kari Ruba

Sr. HR Generalist

Bailey Staton

HR Generalist

Justin Thiele

HR Generalist

Kayla Vinar

Sr. HR Coordinator