New Wellmark BC/BS ID’s: As a reminder, in 2024, we will get new ID cards. All cards – even for BlueHMO - will be printed in the member’s name only. If your family needs more than two cards, you can order new cards or access them on your mobile device by logging into your myWellmark account or call Wellmark Customer Service at 1-800-494-4478.

Wellmark BluePPO

The ISU PPO Plan is a managed care plan that gives you a choice each time you need health care to access a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider or to use any provider. If you access a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider the plan pays a higher benefit. If you use out-of-network providers, benefits are generally payable, but at a lower level. This plan is often selected by individuals and their families who are comfortable selecting a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider and still wish to have coverage when unable to access a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider.

Wellmark BluePPO plan is part of the Preferred Provider Organization, a national network of participating medical service providers. Use IZU as the prefix when looking at

Wellmark BlueHMO

The ISU HMO Plan is a managed care plan that requires use of the Wellmark Health Plan of Iowa (WHPI) network. Most services are paid at 100%. You pay the full cost of any care you receive outside the network except for emergency care when you are traveling out of the service area. This plan is often selected by individuals and their families whose needs can be satisfied by physicians within a specific network.

  • This plan design has a network of participating physicians based in Iowa. This network has a medical service provider presence in every county in Iowa and in the contiguous counties that border Iowa. Current network participation is 99% of hospitals (acute care), 93% of primary care physicians (includes pediatricians), 91% of OB/GYN providers and 93% for specialists.
  • Each member in the contract is required to designate a primary care physician (PCP). Female participants may elect to also designate a primary OB/GYN physician for their yearly exams. It is recommended that you verify your primary care physician is participating with the WHPI network, and locate the provider code (called the enrollment ID on Wellmark's site) when you choose to participate in the Wellmark BlueHMO. Use XQW as the prefix when looking at
  • Guest membership: An added benefit while away from home for 90 or more consecutive days. A guest membership provides access to Blue Cross and Blue Shield participating hospitals, physicians and other health care providers from which you can receive covered services. A guest membership is a valuable service for: long-term, out-of-state travelers (away from home up to 180 days); dependent children who attend college, out of state; and family members who reside in another state but are covered under this health plan. For more information or to arrange the guest membership, contact Wellmark customer service at 1-800-494-4478.
Provisions BluePPO Plan In-Network

BluePPO Plan Out-of-Network

BlueHMO Plan

Annual Deductible

- Single/Family





- Inpatient or outpatient services

20% 40% 10%

Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum

- Single/Family




Office Copay* $25 copay per provider per date of service $40% coinsurance $15 copay per provider per date of service
Emergency Room $125 copay plus 20% coinsurance $125 copay plus 20% coinsurance $125 copay plus 20% coinsurance
Peventive Care (includes routine annual physical, immunizations, mammogram, colonoscopy) $0 40% coinsurance $0
*Office visit copays apply to any office service per provider per date of service. This could include radiology, laboratory services, allergy shots, mental health services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy.

Wellmark BluePPO Summary of Benefits & Coverage (PDF)

Wellmark BluePPO Coverage Manual (PDF)

Wellmark BlueHMO Summary of Benefits & Coverage (PDF)

Wellmark BlueHMO Coverage Manual (PDF)

Medical/Rx Plan Monthly Premiums

Tier of Coverage BluePPO BlueHMO

Yourself Only



Yourself + Spouse/Partner



Yourself + Children



Yourself + Family



Family Double Spouse (Contract Holder Pays)




Doctor On Demand

With Doctor on Demand (PDF), you and your family members can speak with a board-certified doctor who can treat the most common medical conditions and prescribe medication if needed. Using Doctor on Demand is easy and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You’ll love the convenience, and your Wellmark benefits apply automatically for you and your covered family members. Review Wellmark's Virtual Visit FAQ (PDF).

Person in white coat with stethoscope on a tablet.

Get Treatment For:

  • Cold and flu
  • Bronchitis and sinus infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Sore throats
  • Allergies
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Pink eye
  • Skin condition
  • Mental health

Getting started is easy.

  1. Download the Doctor on Demand app or visit
  2. Have your Wellmark member ID card ready. You’ll be asked to enter your full Wellmark ID number, including the three character prefix.
  3. Create an account or sign in.

So, the next time you have a sore throat or the little one’s running a fever, pick up your smartphone and connect virtually with Doctor on Demand, any time, day or night.

  • Doctor On Demand physicians do not prescribe Drug Enforcement Administration-controlled substances, and may elect not to treat or prescribe other medications based on what is clinically appropriate.
  • Mental Health services include treatment for certain psychological conditions, emotional issues and chemical dependency. Services performed by psychologists are covered. Psychiatry, which may include the use of prescription drugs, is not covered. For more information, call Wellmark at the number on your ID card.